Sunday, November 18, 2012

Murky waters

Gliding through the twilight,
searching for day, the light,
even the lost nights.
Waves of indecisiveness
in the halo of memories.

I reach out for that one hand
to hold.
The one heart to trust..

And in the fading days of life..
I am still left wavering in the middle.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The sky never showed me more stars,
The clouds never gave me such rain.
A shower of sparking fire..
A dazzle of sounds.
A 'Diwali' like Diwali.

The festival of lights..
spreading warmth like a
gleaming diya.

A display of brightness
lighting up the night sky.

The rattle of boom
A play of light and darkness

The spirit of Diwali is in the air..
Happy Diwali!!

Monday, August 20, 2012


I (tried to) wander lonely as a cloud..
Until the lightning struck me,

And made me disperse into thousand droplets            
Falling over the rusted tin roofs

Fading into the swirling depths of a gutter

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Love Hues

I was starving,
Starving for love.

Then you came along..

You looked at me,
My heart fluttered...
You smiled at me,
I melted...

You spoke those three magical words
I knew, I was yours..

Birthday Poems

Young vodka

Nothing in this world is special,
Until you make it special.
Nothing is too precious, until u held it precious.
A “spe-cious” person with…
A touch of honesty, frankness, kindness
A help beyond asking,
A friend of all friends,
A youthful bottle of ‘spirits’.
You will be forever young.

Small Package

She carries a “harmless-fatal” attitude.
With flow of long witty, garrulous words,
Behind that wicked grin, lies a kind, helpful soul,
Picking me up from the pits of misery and reminiscence,
A true friend that she always is...
The best friend that I will always revere.
I look up in the heavens and wished her thousand wishes
A soul bursting with happiness and success

Sunday, January 1, 2012

We cry, we laugh.
We whine, we praise.
We absorb happiness, we absorb pain….
Darkness and Hope.
We embrace Life….
Year after year!
Happy New Year!!!