Sunday, November 18, 2012

Murky waters

Gliding through the twilight,
searching for day, the light,
even the lost nights.
Waves of indecisiveness
in the halo of memories.

I reach out for that one hand
to hold.
The one heart to trust..

And in the fading days of life..
I am still left wavering in the middle.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The sky never showed me more stars,
The clouds never gave me such rain.
A shower of sparking fire..
A dazzle of sounds.
A 'Diwali' like Diwali.

The festival of lights..
spreading warmth like a
gleaming diya.

A display of brightness
lighting up the night sky.

The rattle of boom
A play of light and darkness

The spirit of Diwali is in the air..
Happy Diwali!!